The Williams Police Department utilizes CodeRED® as its Emergency Notification System. With this service, we can send messages to residents and businesses within minutes with specific information when an emergency or time-sensitive issue arises.
Although CodeRED does contain published landline phone number information by default, the police department may not get current landline phone data. This is why it is vital that you register all your phone numbers directly to assure contact in an emergency.
By signing up or opting-in, you may enter alternate phone numbers and/or modes of contact. You may also specify your primary contact mode. The opt-in process will require that you have a valid email address. Once registered, you may opt-out at any time.
When delivery of the alert to your primary contact mode fails, the system will automatically fall back to other methods. With respect to phone notifications, if the system detects an answering machine, it will deliver the message to voicemail. If the phone is not answered and no answering machine is detected, the system will redial the number at a later time or, if specified, fall back to another contact mode.
Sign up here for CodeRED Emergency Management Alerts

We know that your personal information is important, be assured, all information is
strictly confidential and will not be used for any other purpose.
Please, NEVER REPLY to Alert message emails or text messages! Instead, please call (928) 635-4461